8 min read

CCDHB Customer Story

As services experience an increase in the acuity of patients, we need to increase care capacity – ensuring we have the right nurses in the right place. To met these aims we need a deeper understanding of the needs of patients and detailed insights about our nurses and midwives.


25 February 2020 | RESOURCES

3 min read

Qlik NPrinting: On-Demand

Qlik NPrinting reports can be run ‘On-Demand’ directly from your Qlik Sense applications, giving you the ability to generate PDF, Excel, Word and Power Point reports directly from within a Qlik Sense application based on your selections and template.


16 February 2020 | CUSTOMER STORIES

1-2 min read

Clinical Excellence Metrics

Roll out of the new Qlik Sense Data Discovery (business intelligence) tool commenced in January 2017 and we are incrementally incorporating clinical metrics in the tool.


16 February 2020 | CUSTOMER STORIES

6 min read

Data Discovery: Using Qlik Sense for Care Redesign

Using Qlik Sense to provide timely acess to meaningful data that can be used for the redesign of care, implementation of evidence-based practice and continuous improvement. Making data accessible in a timely, more organised manner will mean clinicians do not have to spend their limited, non-clinical time making multiple data extracts and data report requests and sifting through large volumes of data.


16 February 2020 | NEWS

4 min watch

Special Qlik pricing for NZ Healthcare sector

The Ministry of Health and National District Health Boards CIO Forum has partnered with Acumen BI and Qlik to deliver a Health Sector Pricing Model that will benefit all DHBs, national and regional health bodies, public health organisations and associated health non-governmental organisations.


16 January 2020 | RESOURCES

2-3 min read

Qlik NPrinting: Complex Conditional Formatting

With Qlik NPrinting, you can present information with the same formatting as in your Qlik application. By default, Qlik NPrinting attempts to preserve the original formats of imported Qlik objects.


12 December 2019 | NEWS

1 min read

Acumen BI end-of-year Team Day 2019

Acumen BI staff from across the country gathered for a day out at the Stardome Observatory. With a backdrop of outer galaxies and Nasa space suits we reflected on 2019, the wonderful customers we work with and the excellent work the Team is supporting.


12 December 2019 | RESOURCES

3 min read

Qlik NPrinting: Simple report layouts

Qlik NPrinting lets you create complex and attractive reports using your Qlik data. You can create new visualisations or tables using native Microsoft Office, or NPrinting Pixel Perfect capabilities. Read on for tips and tricks.


4 December 2019 | WEBINARS

100 min watch

Emergency Department – Webinar (Waitemata DHB)

In this webinar Waitematā District Health Board’s Dr Stefan van der Walt presents an overview of the DHB Emergency Department’s data Journey. Learn their insights into data driven patient care, better ED flow and improved patient outcomes.


13 November 2019 | RESOURCES

2 min read

Tailored reports in your preferred format

Qlik NPrinting allows you to create and distribute reports using your Qlik Application data. Reports can be shared in many formats, such as Excel, Word, PowerPoint, PixelPerfect, HTML, and PDF; read on to understand the benefits of the different format options.


11 November 2019 | NEWS

1 min read

In the Pink! – Breast Cancer Awareness 2019

The team from Acumen BI along with their colleagues from Acumen Consulting and Acumen Online got together with cakes and good intentions to raise money for breast cancer awareness. Wigs were worn, delicious cakes were eaten and belts were loosened!


16 October 2019 | WEBINARS

50 min watch

Complex Data Modelling to Answer Clinical Questions – Webinar (Waitemata DHB)

Waitemata DHB address interoperability between key clinical systems by creating complex data models.